Staff Meeting
July 19, 2022
Look Up
Read, meditate and pray Psalm 91
- Scripture – Read a passage of scripture and write down a verse or two that jumps out to you.
- Observation – What are your personal observations that you note from this scripture?
- Application – How does it now apply to your every day life? What can you do to apply this in your life today?
- Appreciation: How does this text make you appreciate Jesus more?
- Prayer – Say a personal prayer based on your observation and application.
Look In (Per Ministry Area)
- Graces of God this past week.
Look Back: Past Sunday and week Evaluation (Ministry)
- Celebrations over the past week?
- Opportunities for the this week?
- One thing we can do within our area of ministry to make it better? (Put in Evernote weekly)
- Who will I reach out to this week to encourage? (Put in Evernote weekly)
Look Forward
- Announce Backpack/School Supply Drive
Announce Financial Seminar, August 6th, we need to hype this up. Get with Steve Byard for more info.
Staff will join Stonegate’s refresh every other month starting August.
Back to school bash in August.
Where are we this far? We might need to create more momentum?
Next staff will be us celebrating Portia soon.
Let’s continue to meet and greet visitors or people we haven’t met or do not know.
Please update Evernote by the end of the day.