Staff Meeting
August 16, 2022
Look up:
1. Graces this past week.
2. Psalm 32
- Scripture – Read the passage of scripture and write down or make note of a verse or two that jumps out to you.
- Observation – What are your personal observations that you note from this scripture?
- Application – What one way can you apply this text to your every day life?
- Appreciation: How does this text make you appreciate Jesus more?
- Prayer – Say a personal prayer based on your observation and application.
Look in:
– Discuss Evernote and it’s purpose
– Reflection and Discussion: Wisdom in Leadership: Chapter 20 and 42
Look Back:
Past Sunday and week Evaluation. Please answer these questions *weekly in your Evernote.
- Celebrations over the past week?
- Opportunities for the this week?
- One thing we can do within our area of ministry to make it better?
- *Who do I need to meet with this week?
- *What one thing needs to get done this week?
- *What one thing can I do better this week?
- *Who did you meet and greet this Sunday?
Look forward:
- Continue to announce Financial Seminar through this Sunday.
- DBU event, 23rd of the month.
- Announce Serve and Connect Week, August 28th
- Gathering group sign up
- Ministry team sign up
- Go over
- Please update Evernote by the end of the day.