We believe that God has called us to share the Gospel with the Nations. Therefore we find joy in being able to partner with ministries and missionaries who are doing gospel work internationally. Our hope and prayer is that we would be able to come alongside of these ministries and provide encouragement, support, and prayer. We also hope that as we continue to grow we would help more international ministries and church plants.
Pierre & Natalie founded and direct the organization One Gift, One Child in Hati. They partner alongside existing Haitian orphanages to build relationships, disciple and bring accountability to the Haitian orphanage directors. This has many aspects but the main goal is to make every orphanage a safe environment for the children where they are protected from abuse, trafficking and slavery. We believe God has a plan to redeem every area of this nation and this is one specific area we are called to. We have endless opportunities for children’s ministry and discipleship and know that God values every, single child in Haiti. There is never one that is too lost for God to find.
Ben & Shanna work with Wycliffe Ministry in Eastern Europe as they use their skills to make God’s Word accessible in the people’s own language. Ben will be working with local people to translate the Word into their language; working through a translation process: exegeting, drafting, checking & testing. Shanna will be working in language & culture documentation: using photography & graphic design to serve & build bridges with communities.
Raymond and LeAnn desire to serve on a translation team with Pioneer Bible Translators. Raymond will focus on building a team of national coworkers to translate God’s Word for a Bibleless people group. LeAnn plans to work in trauma healing and community development building relationships with women and children. They both desire to make disciples of Jesus Christ through the transforming power of God’s Word.